
How to Max Perseverance by Understanding the Power of Your Beliefs

Do you struggle to persevere at challenging tasks? While external factors like skills, resources, and opportunities certainly play a role, how you perceive and believe in your own abilities to tackle  tasks can significantly impact your level of persistence. Did you know that an intricate dance is continually occurring between your beliefs and your actions that lead to perseverance? There are several possible psychological mechanisms that could  influence your ability to stay committed to completing the work that needs to be done.

The Mindset Factor

One way your beliefs shape perseverance is explained by the concept of mindset. Psychologist Carol Dweck distinguishes between a fixed mindset and a growth mindset. If you tend toward a fixed mindset, you believe your abilities and intelligence are inborn and, therefore, unchangeable. On the other hand, if you tend toward a growth mindset, you’ll see your abilities as buildable abilities that can be developed through focused effort and learning. Research has consistently shown that individuals with a growth mindset are more likely to persevere in the face of challenges. Why?

  • Your belief in the power of effort and learning fosters resilience, allowing you to view setbacks as opportunities for growth rather than insurmountable obstacles.
  • This mindset shift can significantly impact the way you approach tasks, influencing your commitment and determination.
  • Moral: Yes, you can do hard things!


Another crucial element in the interaction between beliefs and perseverance is self-efficacy, a theory developed by psychologist Albert Bandura. Self-efficacy refers to an individual’s belief in their ability to succeed in a particular situation or accomplish a specific task. This belief in your capabilities plays a pivotal role in determining the level of perseverance you demonstrate.

Do you have high self-efficacy?

  • If so, you’re more likely to approach challenges with a sense of confidence and are, therefore, better equipped to withstand setbacks. Your belief in your abilities acts as a motivating force, driving you to persist even when faced with difficulties.
  • On the contrary, when you have low self-efficacy, it can lead to self-doubt and a heightened sensitivity to obstacles, making it more challenging for you to maintain perseverance.
  • Moral: If you believe you cannot do something, you may unintentionally prove yourself to be right.

Mastery Orientation

Your beliefs influence your motivation and goal orientation. These are underlying reasons for pursuing a task or goal. Individuals with a mastery orientation are driven by an internal desire to learn, adapt, and improve.  Do you instead have a performance orientation? Do you seek validation through external measures such as grades, praise, or success as determined by others? If so, you may struggle to find meaning in doing hard work because you only do it to please others or to get it over with.

Do you have a mastery orientation?

  • If you have a mastery orientation, you’ll tend to display greater perseverance because your focus is on the process of learning and growing rather than solely on the outcome.
  • The belief that effort leads to improvement becomes a guiding principle, encouraging you to persist in the face of challenges.
  • Moral: It is deeply worthwhile to learn for its own sake, not merely for the recognition that comes from others or to claim “success”.

Persistence and Beliefs

Beliefs encompass the deeply ingrained ideas and instincts that have evolved over millennia to ensure human survival as a species. Your beliefs are not always conscious, but they influence your behavior and reactions on a primal level. When you need to persevere, certain beliefs can either fuel your determination or trigger a fight-flight response in the face of challenges.

  • Me-Survival: At its core, the instinct to persevere is deeply connected to your survival instincts. If you are afraid of failing, you might unintentionally seek to avoid feelings of shame by giving up on completing your task. On the other hand, the belief that overcoming obstacles is essential for survival is hardwired into your DNA. Let this belief encourage you to persist in the face of adversity because challenges are a natural part of your human experience. You can!
  • We-Social Connection: Humans are social beings, and your beliefs include a fundamental understanding of the value of collaboration and community. Perseverance is not just an individual effort but can be used to fuel a collective endeavor where you endure challenges for the greater good of your friends and family. Think: Why not me? Persevere by volunteering and putting others first.
  • Us-Adaptation: Human development has baked in the ability for you to believe in the value of learning from experience. Perseverance can therefore lead to valuable lessons and increase your adaptability more broadly. This belief in the value of learning encourages us to view challenges not only as obstacles but also as opportunities for growth, flexibility, and sharing that can benefit all of humanity and the world. Yes, you!

Why Cultivate Perseverance?

Beliefs are powerful motivators of perseverance, strongly shaping the way you approach and tackle tasks. Whether through cultivating a growth mindset, building self-efficacy, or fostering a mastery orientation, consciously shaping your beliefs can have a profound impact on your ability to persist in the face of challenges. As you navigate your life’s journey toward success, remember that your mindset and beliefs are not just passive lenses through which you view the world but are active forces that can shape the outcome of your efforts. By embracing the power of your beliefs, perseverance can become a more natural byproduct of your empowered mindset.

Three takeaways to highlight the importance of our beliefs:

  1. Nurture Your Growth Mindset: Embrace challenges as opportunities for growth and view effort as a path to mastery. Challenge the belief that abilities are fixed and instead, focus on the potential for development through dedication and learning.
  2. Build Your Self-Efficacy: You cannot learn or succeed by not trying. Set small, achievable goals to build a sense of competence and gradually increase the level of difficulty. Celebrate successes, no matter how small, to reinforce the belief in your ability to learn skills and overcome challenges.
  3. Choose a Mastery Orientation: Shift your focus from external validation to the process of learning, improvement, and flexible thinking. Reinforce your belief that setbacks are a natural part of the learning journey and recognize that they provide an opportunity to refine your skills.
About the author

Sherri Fisher, MEd, MAPP, executive coach and learning specialist, uncovers client motivation and focus for perseverance. She has decades of successful experience working with students, parents, and professionals who face learning, attention, and executive function challenges at school, home, and work.

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