A Business Case for Compassion in Your Work Team

In today’s fast-paced business environment, executive function challenges are more prevalent than we might realize. These challenges—from difficulties in time management to problems with emotional regulation—can significantly impact an employee’s performance and overall well-being. However, when addressed with compassion and strategic support, they present unique opportunities for fostering a more inclusive, growth-oriented workplace culture. And we all know that leads to…

  • Enhanced Creativity and Innovation 

According to Laura Morgan Roberts, Associate Professor at University of Virginia’s Darden School of Business, encouraging employees to bring their authentic selves to work is about acknowledging and embracing each person’s unique strengths and challenges. By creating an environment where individuals feel safe to express their true selves, we foster a culture of trust and openness. This inclusivity empowers employees to leverage their distinct perspectives and capabilities, enhancing creativity and innovation within the team.

  • Alignment of Personal and Organizational Objectives

Supporting employees through their executive function challenges can significantly contribute to their journey towards self-actualization. When individuals receive the necessary tools and understanding to manage their cognitive processes, they can focus on personal growth and fulfillment. This support helps them align their personal goals with organizational objectives, driving both individual and collective success.

  • Sustained Engagement, Higher Productivity and Job Satisfaction

Recognizing the need for periodic disengagement is crucial. Encouraging employees to take regular breaks, whether through mindful practices or simply stepping away from their desks, can rejuvenate their cognitive functions. This balance prevents burnout and sustains long-term engagement, leading to higher productivity and job satisfaction.

  • Team Adaptability for Organizational Success

Finally, fostering a culture that views failure as a productive part of the learning process is essential. When employees are supported in their failures, they are more likely to take transparent, calculated risks and innovate. Constructive feedback and a focus on continuous improvement can turn setbacks into stepping stones, enhancing resilience and adaptability within the team.

Executive function challenges are not about lack of effort or a limited desire to succeed. Individuals often have to work harder to achieve the same results as their peers. They may need more structure, step-wise processes, strengths-sensitive contexts, and compassion to convert their talents into action. 

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#Leadership #WorkplaceCulture #EmployeeEngagement #Inclusion #GrowthMindset #ExecutiveFunction #Authenticity #SelfActualization #ProductiveFailure

About the author

Sherri Fisher, MEd, MAPP, executive coach and learning specialist, uncovers client motivation and focus for perseverance. She has decades of successful experience working with students, parents, and professionals who face learning, attention, and executive function challenges at school, home, and work.

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